"This bike looks just about like a collector's item!" That's what we thought when it came through the doors here. It's a 1985 Kawasaki ZL900 Eliminator with 17,219 miles, and it's got some serious zip. The owner is thinning the bike herd so this one can go. $3,595
Body Style | Motorcycle |
Year | 1985 |
Model | ZL900 ELIMINATOR |
Mileage | 17,219 |
Stock Number | C01257 |
37,158 Miles, Motorcycle, 903, AUTOMATIC,
Price: $3,495
30,989 Miles, Motorcycle, 903, AUTOMATIC,
Price: $3,195
30,076 Miles, Motorcycle, 900, AUTOMATIC,
Price: $3,395
8,040 Miles, Motorcycle, 903, AUTOMATIC,
Price: $3,995
26,396 Miles, Motorcycle, 1553, AUTOMATIC,
Price: $2,995